GMemberships are free for all High School Students! Just complete the Mini Application and you are a full member of the Club! Need more info or have questions? Contact Gavin Griffin!
Evening Programs: Torch Club: A chartered small group leadership club for 7th and 8th Grade members the help youth develop leadership skills by implementing and participating in activities in four areas: Service to Club and the Community; education; health and fitness and social recreation.
Keystone Club: This unique leadership development experience provides opportunities for young people in High School, grades 9- 12. Youth participate in activities and programs in three focus areas: Academic success, career preparation and community service. Keystone Club aims to have a positive impact on members, the Club and community.
Teen Board: Want to provide leadership and direction to the Teen Center? What to influence decisions that will make the Teen Center better for our members?
Teen HS Teen Events: Each month the Club offers a special event for High School teens. Currently, the Club has High School Basketball with Matt: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 PM-9:00 PM.